video production

Advertising video production, videos, corporate filming, 4k video, aerial photography with drona 4k, aerial photography with drona, video recorder, wedding cameraman, professional event photographer, professional video editing services, affordable video mounting Iasi

video production

Advertising video production, videos, corporate filming, 4k video, aerial photography with drona 4k, aerial photography with drona, video recorder, wedding cameraman, professional event photographer, professional video editing services, affordable video mounting Iasi

video production for corporate video corporate services

video editing services – filming / shooting corporate events, company opening, press releases interviews, vernisations, exhibitions, book launch, cocktails meetings, concerts.

Shooting show spots

Developing company presentation videos, videos and movie youtube for companies / companies and individuals, TV commercials, video bands …

Video / photo services for individuals

Wedding filming 4k, baptism, private parties, anniversaries, youtube clips, 4k professional drona filming … professional wedding photographer, events in: Iasi, Romania, Europe (EU) …

Airplane shooting with 4k droning / aerial photo

Air filming services with 4K drones, aerial photography with drones at 22 Mpx.

Production / graphics editing

Graphic editing, rebranding projects for companies, visual company identity, company concept …

Video editing

Video editing services for individuals and companies, editing and video, and image manipulation for YouTube video clips for commercial purposes …

Edit photo

Photo editing services for professional photographers, photographic photo albums, large prints, office paintings …

Store video on personal cloud (servers)

CLOUD services. For our clients the CLOUD service is FREE during the publishing period and until final delivery …

Productie video - Filmare / fotografiere evenimente corporate, deschidere firma, interviuri comunicate presa, vernisaje, expozitii, lansare carte, intalniri cocktailuri, concerte,

Video editing software uses professional video editing software. For photo editing Adobe Suite.

Calculator prices

0.00 lei

Editare video - NUNTA

*pretul este acelasi indiferent cu ce s-a filmat: camcorder, DSLR, telefon mobil ...
*pretul este acelasi indiferent cu ce s-a filmat: camcorder, DSLR, telefon mobil ...

Foto/video - NUNTA

*Datorita complexitatii serviciilor preturile le primiti ulterior pe email. Multumim!

Productie FOTO/VIDEO

In functie de natura evenimentului sau a proiectului (complexitate, timp alocat, conditii de lucru, conditii meteo, etc., preturile pot fi ajustate de comun acord.
Cost estimat pentru SESIUNE de 3 ore. Peste 3 ore la pretul standard se adauga un cost de 50 euro/ora. SERVICIUL INCLUDE: 2 videografi, un minim de 2 camere video si echipamentele necesare pentru materiale video de calitate la o rezolutie 4K Cinema (4096 × 2160)
Cost estimat pentru SESIUNE de 3 ore. Peste 3 ore la pretul standard se adauga un cost de 50 euro/ora. SERVICIUL INCLUDE: fotograf profesionist cu aparatura si lumini de studio
Cost estimat pentru SESIUNE de 25 minute. SERVICIUL INCLUDE: Filmare 4K / Fotografii cu rezolutie de 20 megapixeli
Cost estimat pentru: "Productie video" - SESIUNE 3 ore sau "Sesiune foto" descrise mai sus. SERVICIUL INCLUDE: Editarea tuturor materialelor conform specificatiilor clientului si livrarea prin platforma online
Cost estimat pentru 1 minut de clip animat. DETALII: Numarul de minute alocat clipului stabilit de la inceput impreuna cu clientul.
Cost estimat pentru 1 minut de clip animat. DETALII: Numarul de minute alocat clipului stabilit de la inceput impreuna cu clientul.

Alege OPTIONALE la serviciile: Productie FOTO/VIDEO

Este stabilit impreuna cu clientul in functie de necesitatile proiectului. DETALII: Propuneri de scenariu sau viziune artistica / grafica. Clientul beneficiaza de toate drepturile de autor asupra creatiei.
Cost estimat pentru un interval de 1-3 ore. DETALII: Recomandari pentru client in functie de proiect.
Cost estimat per actor pentru un interval de pana la 3 ore. DETALII: Voce si interpretarea artistica a textului si indicatiilor din scenariu.
Cost estimat per proiect. DETALII: Voce de fundal pentru filme de prezentare, documentare sau clipuri informative. Recomandari pentru client in functie de proiect
Make-up artist profesionist. Recomandari pentru client in functie de proiect.
Pentru productii tematice. Recomandari pentru client in functie de proiect.
0.00 lei
Pretul calculat in euro include TVA. Conversia in lei se realizeaza la cursul de schimb BNR din ziua platii.

choose services offers professional services of:

  • editing video / photo
  • video production (fullHD / 4K with cameras and Drona + editing)
  • photo production (with DSLR and Drona + photo editing)
  • making videos and spots
  • graphics and animations (realization of company identity)
  • corporate services ~ Corporate and individuals

Customers accepted

Go to “Accepted Clients” area to check:
  • account details
  • upload stage
  • payment details
  • job status
  • downloading completed materials

service order


productie video/foto: filmare, foto, editare, grafica
Ex: daca alegi "productie video" eveniment asociat ar putea fi: "spot publicitar"
Daca aveti un cod cupon il activati introducand-ul aici!


stick-uri, albume


about us

Video / photo production + material editing + delivery

  • setting your shooting needs: 4k or fullHD format, number of cameras, terrestrial and / or aerial shooting:
    • corporate filming
    • videos
    • advertisement
    • video company presentation
    • filming corporate events, fashion, interviews, press releases …
    • wedding filming / personal and family events
  • 4k terrestrial and air photo / video services – professional videographer and event photographer
  • custom video / photo customization according to customer requirement
  • revisions / modifications to the final material
  • delivering the final material in optimized and web-based multi format

Professional editing services with fast delivery tailored to customer needs.

  • 4k and fullHD video editing, video editing with soundtrack, text, visual effects.
  • Multicam video editing with camera synchronization (multi-cam video editing, cornea correction, exposure …) with client-side footage.
  • photo editing for: wedding photographer, corporate, commercial photography and product.
  • the client delivers the video directly to our servers for editing.
  • securing backup on our servers throughout the editing period.
  • final delivery is done online from personal servers.
  • dedicated data storage servers configured in RAID 10 and backUP offline for 100% security, processor: INTEL quad core, 8GB RAM, fiber optic internet connection …

Custom graphics production

  • professional graphic editing in COREL, Photoshop …
  • company identity achievement: flyers, folders, web design, business cards, logos …
  • advertising production
  • 3d animated graphics

Valid services for individuals and businesses

  • service contract
  • online payment via: bank transfer, internet banking …
  • issue tax invoice
  • status / project stage for each client

Corporate video photo services, photo editing services, product commercial photography, corporate filming, 4k aerial photography, 4k droning aerial photography. Film and corporate photographer. Making publicity videos, TV spots, video spots, Video services for companies, FullHD and 4k video editing, Photo editing. 4k aerial photography with drona, aerial photography with drona, professional event photographer, digital graphics, company identity, company brochure, flyers, leaflets, flyers.

Our technical team will solve any requirement in the field of digital processing. Whether it’s fullHD or 4K video editing, photo processing, digital VHS, VHS-C or DV digital video transcription on USB stick, download link from our servers, DVD or CD, digital bandwidth transcripts video, audio editing, graphics, concepts, mini-documentation, or any other service requested.

Video services at any event – professional videographer

– baptism filming (for our former brides where we filmed at the wedding, we have special offers)

– filming corporate / anniversary parties, parties;

– conferences, symposiums, presentations;

– performances, recitals;

– serbari;

– school applications, trainings;

– Any other filming services … Contact us

Other services:

– video transfers from any video tape box to dvds.

– video editing;

– making commercials for commercial companies, apartments, houses, villas, tourist areas;

– Filming for political communication (promotional spots for candidates);

– Making personal video documentaries.

We offer professional video editing services for presentation, spot, television and video clips on holiday, home, teambuilding, full-hd or 4K party.

4k video editing, 4k video shooting, 4k DSLR shooting …

Advertising video production, videos, corporate filming, 4k video, aerial photography with drona 4k, aerial photography with drona, video recorder, wedding cameraman, professional event photographer, professional video editing services, affordable video mounting Iasi

Photo services Iasi | wedding photographer iasi | professional photographer iasi | wedding photographer iasi forum | photographers and cameramen in iasi |wedding photographer iasi prices | videograf iasi | videographer wedding iasi | photographer baptism iasi price | iasi video services | iasi video services

Photo editing services, photo-video editing, corporate video services, corporate photo services, PC graphics: brochures, brochures, company leaflets, flyers, flyers, business cards, magazines, books, 3D corporate identity, video ad creation, clip video presentation, 4K professional aerial photography, aerial photography with drona, corporate photo services with professional photographer, video services for individuals: wedding shooting, wedding photographer with wedding video and professional photographer. Streaming Services, Live Transmission on Facebook … – Iasi, Romania …. Advertising video production, videos, corporate filming, 4k video, aerial photography with drona 4k, aerial photography with drona, videographer corporation, wedding cameraman, professional event photographer, professional video editing services, affordable video mounting, Iasi blog

video editing, video editing, photo editing, video editing, professional video editing, photo editor, video editor, photo processing, video editing, iasi



10 + 1 =

   Iasi, Romania

0753 376 987


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